Ahoy Me Mateys!

Sorry I nay bae with ye this eve for I bae trace'n tha steps o' me forefathers. In my leave please lend ye ears ta me prisoner delegate! So what in tha world has done gone on?

Mission Mardi Gras has done been postponed till we's can gets a mighty band ta play their wonderful chanteys for tha masses. We've collected a boat load o' treasure ta raffle off and tha donations keep commin' in. Thank ye that done helped get this plunder.

Nightwalk bae right around tha corner and Danielle Richardson has done been a busy lass. It would bae wonderful if tha mass o' us could attend this event and show our support.

Tha Fee proposal and tha Tuition proposals have done been put forward. Tha fees seem to have gone quite well and thank ye much for tha work and time that was put into them. As for tha Tuition as it stands now tha proposition that done been made puts tha increase at $325 o' our doubloons. Forrest, Will Quick and I done had tha privilege ta sit on on this committee and ye own matey Compton done attended with us. We voted in tha minority against this high an increase feeli'n that a smaller number would bae more ta our lik'n. We have put forth tha notion o' a $275 increase with 50% to financial aid, 12% ta GSSP, 20% ta faculty salaries, 18% ta improved classroom excellence. This will be brought up this eve. Please stand by this ta unite our causes. Tha rings bae a great idea and thank ye for tha work that has been put into them thus far and tha work that needs ta be put inta them.

Tha national call in was quite successful. NC State done sunk our competition with 200 calls. 200 o' tha 500 for tha state. 200 o' tha 4000 for tha nation. And tha state as a whole had tha most call ins for any o' tha states. Thank ye much those o' ye who came ta support us. And me threat stands those that nay bae mak'n calls will find yeselves in one form or another doin' tha hempmen's dance!

Avast ye mateys, have a fair eve.