Ahoy Ye Scurvy Dogs,

I done hopes ye time away from port with ye kin was grand and that ye bae do'n well on yer "new years resolutions." Ye'll bae a happy barnacle on a baby whale ta know I've done kept ta me resolutions, and I've yet ta hang more than two UNC fans on any given day!

So backs ta where we were baefore we took our leave from port. Mission: Mardi Gras bae mov'n along. As no mighty bands will done come to our soiree for any reasonable price we've decided on just utiliz'n smaller bands. We've done received all our donations for thar prizes and raffle and bae mov'n ahead.

Matey DeVan bae putt'n tagether a voter registration for tha new mateys on our campus in tha comm'n days. We'd done like ta have some helps with mann'n tha booth on tha brickyard when tha time done come. I'll send ye a missive with more information on this shortly!

Lassy Lynette bae gett'n ready ta gear up for these here elections in tha bloom'n time o' tha year and may bae turn'n ta tha freshmen community ta gets them involved with us.

Lassy Connie Justice, crime fighter extraordinaire, bae lookin' ta see if this here years founders day can bae more thrill'n this year. We've also looked inta go'n ta retirement communities and gett'n stories and old jokes from our alumni ta compile, and twould bae swell ta have ye lads and lasses come along.

On January 30 I'll done bae meet'n with Matey Fowler ta see how they can done contribute ta tha red terror.

Matey Philihp tha scallywag he bae, bae look'n ta get a forum onta our website soon. He also wants ta look inta how secure tha data bae on our elections software but has met nothing but resistance on receiving tha scribing on how it done work. As ye all've in ye noggins, first mate Forrest, tha Jack o' Coins, lassy Jennifer, our advisors and I bae in discussions about thar judicial board. Be'n that I done found a limb off o' tree and labeled it "judicial branch" and it twas done thrown away looks like tha board may bae here ta stay… or go we've yet ta decide but twill by tha 30th how we thinks this ship should sail.

As for matey Walton's term limits legislation I'll done have ta say I supports it fully. Me thoughts bae this. If I as tha captain o' me ship bae look'n for a new scrog and I see hes done only one thing for four years I done bae think'n ta me self tha lad lacks some diversity. I thinks this would help people that wants ta bae involved in tha campus ta branch out and vary their activities.

Thar resolution by matey Compton about tha price o' text books also done carry me blessing. As when this bae passed we can join a national collaboration ta keep textbooks affordable and thar greedy publishers hands out o' our coffers.