

Sample script for a disfunctional educational TV show. May contain adult subject matter. You know, relate to the kids.


Copyright 2005 by Whil Piavis. All rights reserved.


Fade in from black to a nighttime cityscape in the distance. SUPER TITLE OF SHOW. Very quick zoom in to a building ledge of a brick building in the city with Rocky standing on its ledge. Rocky is in his normal state with blood shot eyes. Rocky nudges his toes over the ledge and looks up into the sky.

With the camera behind him Rocky slowly leans over the edge of the building and plummets towards the ground. The camera follows him until he slams into the ground. The ground is covered with gray and green grass and is cluttered with garbage and a stick.

Camera angle changes to the side where Rocky is laying on the grass surrounded by garbage and a stick. The building is in the background covered in cracks and vandalism. "Whil RoX" is visible in big letters.

The Figmen appear out of nowhere floating above the ground surrounded by little sparkly stars and a white glow. Rocky looks at them when they appear and smiles.

Twiggy stands up.

The Figmen giggle and disappear as Lays flies into the scene and lands on the grass pulling a mouse out of it.

Lays eats the mouse and grins.

Rocky looks around with shifty eyes and tries to sink into the grass.

Twiggy smiles and pulls a flask out of the air. Twiggy takes a swallow and seems to put it into his back.

Long pause as Rocky stares into space. Everyone stares at Rocky thinking.

Rocky squints and looks at the moon, the camera follows where he looks. Eyes and arms appear on the moon who squints back at Rocky and makes a cutting the throat motion at him. Rocky looks back at the ground quickly, then peeks back at the moon which is normal again.

"9.81 m / s^2" appears on the screen in big letters.

Lays grabs Twiggy and Rocky in his talons and flys up into the air. The camera follows them flying up though the buildings

Lays lands on the edge of the building setting Rocky and Twiggy at the edge.

Lays pushes Rocky and Twiggy off of the roof at the same time. Camera angle changes to the side of the building so that it is visible that twiggy and rocky fall at the same speed.

As they hit the ground little poofs of dust come up along with a piece of paper that flies into the air.

Lays lands on the grass beside Twiggy and Rocky.

Long pause as everyone looks at Rocky.

Long pause as everyone stares at each other

Lays grabs Rocky and starts to fly.

Lays flying with Twiggy wearing bomber goggles from WWII and Rocky in his talons flies back to the top of the building. The three of them sit on the roof ledge looking at the ground.

Everyone looks puzzled at Rocky and the Figmen appear again floating in the air.

Figmen dissapear.

Lays squints at Rocky. Rocky looks inquisitively at Lays and then at Twiggy.

Rocky splits in two. Twiggy gasps and looks back and forth at them quickly. Lays looks at them and nods sagely. Rocky looks at himself as in a mirror both of them raising their hands and touching each other. Then moving back and forth they smile.

Rocky mirror version has a tear run down his cheek.

Rocky runs off of the building with his eyes shut really tight. The mirror version falls straight off of the building looking right at the ground with a terrified look on his face. Camera pans out to a side view to see that the running version and the falling version hit the ground at the same time. After their impact Twiggy who is standing on the ledge of the building leans over the ledge and falls towards the ground spinning and cheering.
Camera view goes back to the ground as Lays lands on the grass again eyeing a mouse that runs into a crack in the wall.

Rocky's mirror version disappears.

Lays Nods

Lays Nods

Lays Nods

The figmen appear in the air.

Figmwn disappear.

ROCKY: I can fly.
Crabby: Hey, W-T-F mate?

ROCKY: (Groan)

CRABBY: W-T-F mate!

ROCKY: I thought that I could fly.

CRABBY: Get off'a me ya ratbag.

THE FIGMEN: You can fly!

ROCKY: I knew it! See I told you.

CRABBY: I said off'a me ya ratbag!

TWIGGY: You can't fly?

ROCKY: I... think I can.

CRABBY: Off... 'a me!

TWIGGY: You can ignore him, he's got some inadequacy problems.

CRABBY: Damn ya ye bogan.

CRABBY: Damn it all!

LAYS: Silly rock, you of all things should know you cannot fly.

ROCKY: Why do I think I can fly then? And why do the Figmen keep telling me I can?

LAYS: Because my dear pot head you're stoned out of your mind

ROCKY: I'm not high!

LAYS: and I'm pretty sure these... Figmen are not real. You know drugs are bad right?

TWIGGY: I can still drink though right?

LAYS: Of course, you have no brain to hurt in the first place.

CRABBY: What the?

TWIGGY: Why can't he fly? I can fly.

LAYS: Both of you cant fly because of something called gravity.

TWIGGY: I don't think I like this gravity.

CRABBY: I know I don't.

ROCKY: Wait a minute.

ROCKY: Why... can't I fly?

LAYS: Gravity, it affects everything, I holds you on the earth.

CRABBY: On me! Get off ye bludgers.

ROCKY: Gravity huh? I don't think that's a word.

TWIGGY: I agree.

LAYS: Its because the earth is so big and heavy, it pulls everything around it to it.

ROCKY: Oh God the moon!

LAYS: Gravity keeps the moon in orbit, else it'd fly away... or crash into us.

TWIGGY: So let me get this straight. When I flew I just was pulled by this gravity to the earth outta my tree?

LAYS: That is correct my young friend.

TWIGGY: Ok, ok... then who falls faster me or Rocky? Cause I know I could beat his ass to the ground.

LAYS: Both of you fall at the same speed.

Rocky: Liar.

LAYS: At nine point eight one meters per second squared towards the middle of the earth you do.

TWIGGY: I still think I can beat him...

ROCKY: I'm heavier than you look, I know I'll fall faster.

TWIGGY: Prove it.

CRABBY: (in the distance) And don't come back ye drongos!

LAYS: All right you two, when I say go both of you fall at the same time.

TWIGGY: This is gonna rock!

ROCKY: Sorry what? Hey what are we doing up here?

LAYS: We are proving that both of you fall at the same speed.

ROCKY: No way, I'm heavier.

LAYS: No, you both fall at the same speed nine point eight one meter...

TWIGGY: Yee haw!

ROCKY: (at the same time) Life is pain!

CRABBY: Damn it all! Get off'a me ye ankle biters!

TWIGGY: I win!

ROCKY: Win what?

TWIGGY: The race to the ground, I won cause you're heavier!

CRABBY: (sigh)

ROCKY: No way I so won because I am heavier.

CRABBY: It was a tie, I would know, now shoo.

LAYS: See what did I tell you? You both fall at the same speed because the earth pulls the same on everything. No matter how big you are or what you're made out of or how high you are. Well if you get really far away from the earth it pulls less… but no matter how much drugs you do Rocky you're not going to fall slower.

ROCKY: I know I can fall slower... or at least stay in the air longer...

ROCKY: I know I can fall slower... or at least stay in the air longer... if... I run off!

TWIGGY: You have no legs.

ROCKY: How do I get about?

LAYS: No then you'd just be moving forward and falling at the same speed. You'd still hit the ground at the same time.

ROCKY: No way.

CRABBY: Holy dingo just prove it to him and get the bloody hell off'a me.

TWIGGY: Take me!

TWIGGY: How are we going to have him running off... and falling straight down at the same time?

ROCKY: If there were only still two of me.

FIGMEN: There are two of you Rocky!

TWIGGY: If there were only two of him.

LAYS: If he were only... beside himself.

Lays: I killed your parents Rocky, both, dead.

ROCKY: Oh no!

ROCKY: It was worth the extra denero!

LAYS: All right, you are going to run off the building(POINTS AT ROCKY) and you are just going to fall(POINTS AT ROCKY MIRROR). We're going solve this problem once and for all.

TWIGGY: No way they are going to fall at the same speed.

ROCKY: What are we doing?

LAYS: You are going to run off the building (points at rocky). And you are going to fall straight off the building (points at mirror image). You will both hit at the same time. That's why we're up here.

ROCKY MIRROR: Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

LAYS: You're not real.

LAYS: Ok you two ready... set... go...

LAYS: Oh well.

ROCKY: I win!


LAYS: How the hell are you high? You're not even real!

TWIGGY: The race to the ground.

ROCKY MIRROR: Oh yea, no we tied.

CRABBY: And how the hell would you know?

ROCKY MIRROR: Out of everyone here I would know wouldn't I?

ROCKY: My parents aren't dead!

LAYS: And now you know that the earth pulls everything at the same speed. Right?

ROCKY: So let me get this straight... Even though Twiggy and I don't weigh the same... We fall at the same speed?

ROCKY: And it does not matter how fast I run right off that building... Even if I could run faster than... Superman... I'd hit the ground at the same time as just falling?

ROCKY: And no matter how high I get I can't fall slower?

ROCKY: Because of... sponges?

LAYS: No, gravity.

FIGMEN: Physics Rocky... its all about physics.

ROCKY: Physics?

CRABBY: Who taught you that word?