Vote The Pirate Captain

Student Body President

The Pirate Captain
The Scurvy Crew
The Plank
Captains Log
Pirate Captain Commercial (requires divx 5.2.1)
Name: Swabby
Birth'd: September 17, 1484
Weight: 17 cannon balls
Calling: Pirate
Notes: Not Funny!

Born in the hold of a galleon
bound to the carribean to a stowaway,
Swabby always knew how to
live off the richer with a cutlass
and a dagger. Always one to make a
wisecrack without much forethought,
this might have been the reason he
was burried alive- especialy for one
at The Pirate Captain's expense.

swabby boatswain scallywag powdermonkey seadog


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